Sunday, 26 June 2011


Magazine pose... don't you think? 

My sister graduated last week. I am so proud of her. She has been through so much and has finally made it. It has been a long and tough journey and I know she will do great. She is planning to go on a cruise for 6 months in September. It’s hard for me to think of her going away for such a long time, or going anywhere at all. I have never been separated from her (Vacations don’t count). This is a big step for her and I know it will be a great learning experience. She will meet different people from around the world, learn different and unique things and most of all she will grow, as a person and as a woman. I will miss her dearly, but I know this is just the beginning of a great new adventure and of a new life.

Congratulations Nathalie! My sister, my best friend.

I love you  
A beautiful dress for a beautiful woman. I love the colors! Very summer friendly and she looked absolutely fabulous in it :)

Friday, 17 June 2011

Red Nails

Can't go wrong with red nails ;)

I got this dress from Garage Clothing. It’s pretty casual, very comfortable. I’ve worn it a few times already. I am also wearing rabbit fur on my back. I am not a big fan of fur. Don’t get me wrong I absolutely love how it looks, but I saw a documentary once and that pretty much killed it for me. I swear it was the hardest thing to watch, I won’t get into it. It’s definitely not a pleasant topic.
Anyway I try my best to not buy fur or leather, but it’s very hard. Once you love something, it’s hard not to buy it.

Monday, 6 June 2011

Blue Jeans

Every girl has a pair of old jeans they will never get rid of. These are mine. Although they are old and ripped in places that cannot be fixed, I don't think I will ever get rid of them. They fit like a glove and are super comfortable. I have to wear a belt with it, otherwise you would see part of my butt cheek & maybe even some underwear. Haha. I know, it's ridiculous, but I can't even begin to tell you how amazing they are. I can wear them with anything- Flats, heels, runners, rolled up, rolled down, you name it.

Tommy Hilfiger Necklace
Guess Jeans


BCBG shoes